İngilizce Hayvanlar İle İlgili Alıştırmalar

İngilizce hayvan isimleri ile ilgili alıştırmalar


Answer Key


1. a – puppies
2. a – Australia
3. d – about 65 million years ago
4. b – black and white
5. c – the blue whale
6. c – leaves
7. b – cold-blooded (it was a reptile)
8. c – to cool off
9. d – no
10. c – leaves and greens
11. b – blowfish contain deadly poison
12. c – because it is content (happy)
13. b – antlers
14. b – Charlie
15. c – yes (carnivore = meat eater)
16. d – no
17. d – around 1800 A.D.
18. a – 3,000 to 5,000 (estimates vary); 15,000 in captivity (est. 2007)
19. c – yes, although it lays eggs, lives in/near the water and has a bill like a duck
20. a – yes (herbivore = eats plants)

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